A mechanical apprenticeship is a leap in the right direction for NETA Training student Isaac.

The 16-year-old is one of six apprentices, joining the ranks at Sembcorp Energy UK’s Wilton International site, with training delivered at NETA.

“I am buzzing about this,” said the former Our Lady & St Bede Catholic Academy pupil. “This is something I have wanted from being young.”

For him, like so many others, it has been an unusual year. He left school in the summer without sitting exams.

Signing up to a full-time course at NETA, he said: “I thought I would be here a full year before getting an apprenticeship.”

But, when the right opportunity came up, Isaac was encouraged to give it a go and was “over the moon” to be successful.

Apprentices are a priority for Sembcorp, offering many young people the chance to flourish in their chosen careers.

Hearing talk of former apprentices who are now shift managers, plant engineers and a plant manager, Isaac said: “It sounds like it could set you up for life, which is a bonus.”

Looking forward to getting started, he added: “To get this chance this early is surreal!”

Isaac Waters
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