Young cyclists from a Billingham primary school are in for a nice surprise when they return following the summer break.

A beloved bike shelter, which had been damaged during winter storms, has been returned to its former glory, thanks to NETA apprentices and staff.

"The children will be delighted," said Julia Rea, Head Teacher at St John the Evangelist RC Primary School.

"The bike shed was something that was well used and loved, so the children really were devastated when the winds brought it down."

Originally built as part of a community project by NETA's fabrication and design apprentices, the shelter was first erected some five years ago.

Mrs Rea said: "It was something that had previously long been on the wish list but due to school budgets it was impossible."

When NETA offered to help out she said they jumped at the opportunity. It has since proven a great incentive for children to get active and bike into school.

Hearing of the damage, this summer NETA apprentices stepped up once again, this time to restore the shelter. The head teacher said: "The children will be so excited to see it when they come back in September."

Tony Hull, Fabrication and Welding Assessor and Instructor for NETA, said: "This has been a really good test for our apprentices, it is a real situation and the sort of job that they could be faced with in their future careers."

With lifting equipment kindly provided by Speedy Hire from Riverside Park Road, Middlesbrough, Assessor Tony and NETA's Design Instructor, Peter Heathcote, brought the expertise and manpower to the job, while fabrication apprentice Anthony Jones, 18, from Eston, was tasked with making the base plates and supports for the shelter.

Anthony said: "It's a good feeling to be able to help. This is the reason I chose fabrication. I like to be able to look at something and know that I helped to build it."
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